Lest we Forget - Veterans Day

On the 11th hour of the 11th day the guns on the Western Front fell silent at the end of the First World War in 1918. Here in the Unites States we observe veterans day with reverence, indeed it is a federally mandated holiday and many businesses go out of their way to honor veterans in any which way they can - even offering free drinks and food in bars and restaurants the length and breadth of the country.

Contrast this to Great Britain where hate preacher Anjem Choudry was planning another "Poppy Burning" ceremony billed as "Hell for Heroes"!

Under  pressure from the Government (under pressure ffs, the bastards should have been arrested and deported), they have now "graciously cancelled" their planned action but are claiming victory as this press states.

(Caution, Piss Boiling moment below..)

Press release dated 10th November 2011

A Ban Will Never Silence Islam and Muslims!

Muslims Against Crusades would like to declare that we are hereby dissolved and will not be functioning as of tonight. We would also like to declare that the planned Hell for Heroes protest on 11th November 2011 has been cancelled and will not be going ahead tomorrow.
The intended banning of Muslims Against Crusades by Home Secretary Theresa May is a great victory for Islam and Muslims and highlights the sheer hatred the British government has towards sincere Muslims who wish to peacefully speak out against policies that are (from every angle) anti-Islam and anti-Muslim.
The planned Hell for Heroes demonstration has undoubtedly struck a raw nerve in parliament by exposing the blunt truth behind the poppy. The poppy, Armistice Day and Remembrance Sunday are the fig leaves behind which war crimes committed by serving British soldiers are covered and justified; they are tools used by the government to shore up support for the war effort and garner sympathy for the ruthless British Armed Forces.
Muslims Against Crusades have always reiterated that it is a political and ideological platform that adheres to a strict covenant of security where the life and wealth of the non-Muslims with whom we live is protected in return for our life and wealth being protected. We were moreover considering relocating the demonstration or postponing it to avoid confrontation with groups such as the BNP and EDL who seemed bent on causing havoc.
However, it seems that a peaceful demonstration that was also given the green light by the Metropolitan police and regarded as completely legal was too much for the British government to swallow and the ugly of side of democracy (dictatorship) once again reared its ugly head.
The objective of the demonstration has therefore been achieved and the British government exposed.
Ironically MAC is going to be proscribed under terrorist legislation whereas when one looks at the definition of the term as ‘..using violence against a community or a section of the community for political purposes…’ then the biggest terrorists are the US and UK regimes in their foriegn policy of murder, torture and occupation and in their domestic policy through internment, stop and search, glorification (thought crime) laws etc… etc….
We would like to make it clear that the call for Islam will never be silenced by any ban or proscription. Rather we never called for the Shari’ah and defended Muslims around the world because the likes of Tony Blair or David Cameron wanted us to and we will never stop if they are unhappy with our call. Rather we pledge that our call and activities will see added momentum and zeal and that we will never rest until the flag of Islam flys high over Downing Street!
I'd like to think that if any so called Islamic Group who put out stuff like this here in the United States and called for the flag of Islam to be flying over Capitol Hill would be on their way to a long vacation with plenty of watersports in the Caribbean hotspot of Guatanamo Bay.... 

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