Currently, regulations regarding cigarette advertising on television still has not spelled out too tight and only limited control. Why is difficult to implement a total ban on advertising cigarettes?
Prof. Dr. Budi Sampurna, SH, DFM, SPF (K), SpKP as the Head of Legal and Organization Kemenkes said there are two laws that still allow the advertising of cigarettes as long as these ads do not exist in cigarette form, namely the law on broadcasting and the press.
"Today both the law remains the main obstacle," said Prof. Budi in media gathering to welcome the World Day Without Tambakau with the theme: Regulation Through the best, We Protect Youths from Danger Kemenkes Smoking in the building on Friday (27 / 5 / 2011).
For that based on lengthy discussions the end result for now is to control cigarette advertising in advance. The aim is to prevent young children who still do not know much about smoking exposure by excessive cigarette advertising.
"We're all in this case the ranks of the health ministry wants a total ban (prohibition of the total) including with KPAI, but what we can do is control. At least there is the brake while not stop at all," he said.
Other efforts included in this controlled tobacco company sponsorship for the event (the event) or specific CSR programs to not advertise the event, and restricting tobacco advertising in bilboard.
"While not a total ban, but this control is expected to still have a good impact," said Prof. Budi.
Meanwhile, the health law was already mentioned that tobacco is included in one of these additives. And now RPP on tobacco still under discussion and not yet reached agreement.
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